MEGA-CORPS FORCES: Outside of Camelot, a major industrial city, is a Mach-Shearing military compound. Allied forces have decided to withdraw from Camelot considering it too hard to defend. The military compound still has a great deal of fuel and valuable Planet Runner parts stored in its warehouses. It would be disastrous if these were to fall into enemy hands. An N.A.S.C. forward attack unit is only miles from the base and high command has decided that only the Runner parts can be salvaged. Your unit has been assigned to protect the warehouses with the Runner parts while simultaneously destroying the fuel storage containers. NORTH ATLANTIC SOCIALIST CONCORDAT FORCES: Fuel has begun to run low within the N.A.S.C. war machine. Luckily there is a large fuel reservoir located in the city of Camelot, a city poised to fall into N.A.S.C. hands. A Mega-Corps Planet Runner squad has been left in Camelot with orders to destroy the fuel stores while protecting several buildings that contain Runner parts. These Runner parts are being airlifted into Mega-Corps territory. Since they are not compatible with our Planet Runners your orders are to ensure that none of the parts survive. Your main concern, however, is the survival of the fuel containers.~